Sally & Denise Lykke Fabricius

When we reviewed The latest single released by The Straw Family, a well known and very much loved family musical group making music from the heart, we thought this track was a bit of a change from their past work, it is upbeat and uplifting, yet has an almost somber tone as well, changing direction, and at times, becoming a bit haunting.

But now, with the release of the video, we see that this song does truly fall in line with their original and very lovable dynamic and sound. The Straw Family, in my opinion, creates music that can be enjoyed by everyone and at any age, it is introspective, reflective and in many of their tracks, including this one, has and incredible wisdom in the lyrics.

The song “Perfectly Fine” is insightful and takes the mind to places that make one wonder if the singer is dealing with issues or facing a problem they would rather ignore. But is also is a song about facing life and standing your ground to show very much needed self love and is a victorious song of self confidence.

Straw vocalist, Sally Lykke Fabricius gave us some insight about the track –

“Perfectly Fine is a pretty positive song. I usually tend to write songs mostly by using difficult and negative experiences and situations in my life and turn it into meaningful lyrics. In this case, if you listen to the lyrics you will probably think the opposite. The truth is, that in this specific song I actually tried writing the exact opposite of what I really felt.

My plan with this song was to try if I could make myself feel perfectly fine just by singing it and of course add some great vibes to support the feeling of feeling good. Because I’m one of those people who exhausts myself by always chasing perfection. And I always feel deeply what I sing, so why not experiment with affecting the brain to feel perfectly fine when I sing it! With that said I couldn’t completely connect with the song without something a little melancholic. That’s why I created the melancholic piano part. After that I felt a lot more connected to the song. Yes, it’s a little weird, but it works to me and the rest of the Family!!

About the Straw Family Band

Straw Family Band, hailing from Scandinavia has been traversing the American music scene, bringing the perfect blend of inspired music and fun to a growing fan base. With this band, music is a true Family Affair, and with Straw, family matters most, they stay together and play together, but with Straw, they also ROCK Together!

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Twitter: @STRAW_DK